Monday 16 January 2012

Inmate #40948-018 - The Man of a Thousand Lawsuits

Meet Jonathan Lee Riches, inmate #40948-018. Currently Riches is incarcerated in Kentucky for wire-fraud, but that's not really interesting. What is interesting, though, is how he keeps himself busy. While some inmates may be focusing on using their time constructively, perhaps studying towards a degree or working on an escape plan, Riches likes to file lawsuits. Ridiculous lawsuits.

"Do I look like an untrustworthy kind of guy?"
Well, we assume he likes it, seeing as he's sued over a thousand people since 2006. I say sued, maybe it would be more appropriate to say "attempted to sue" due to the nature of some of them. He's gone after some pretty high-up but mostly completely ridiculous ones also... like his last lawsuit, of which the defendant list was 57 pages long.

Here's a few of the honourable mentions from that list:

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
President Hugo Chavez
Island Def-Jam Music Group
The Gambino Family
Kingdom Hall of the Jahovah's Witness
The Magna Carta
Tsunami Victims
Fruit of A-Loom
Columbine High School
George Orwell
The Panama Canal Commission
Nordic Gods
Holocaust Survivors
Gangs in Hong Kong
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
The World Wide Web
Wiccan Worship
Che Guevara

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Check out the entire list here. So you might be asking yourself, "What the hell could he possibly be accusing people of?" Bullshit, actually. Total and utter fake-as-a-free-lunch bullshit. In his lawsuit against Steve Jobs he claims O.J. Simpson was a hitman for Jobs.
The Zune? Yeah, I killed it. Whad'boutit?
He also used a frivolous accusation in his own identity theft case which landed him in prison. He claimed that Grand Theft Auto "put him in prison" by contributing to him committing wire-fraud. The charge claims the "Defendants contributed to Plaintiff committing identity theft. Defendant’s games show sex, drugs and violence which offends me.” Riches continued, “Defendants put me in prison. I face imminent danger from violent inmates who played Grand Theft Auto who will knock me out and take my gold Jesus cross.”

Staa' af djou kroon

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