Friday 6 January 2012

Parrots, The Universe and Everything

In this great lecture, Douglas Adams, master of English literature and a legend in anyone's mind, speaks at the University of California, Santa Barbara, about his book Last Chance to See. The book, co-authored by Mark Carwadine, spun off from a radio show of the same name, and focused on some of the most bizarre and endangered species in the world. In the lecture he speaks about some of these species, including the Aye-Aye of Madagascar, his adventure to Komodo to meet the Komodo Dragon and the Kakapo of New Zealand, and how humanity have influenced, threatened and tried to save some of these species.

So sit back, relax and be entertained whilst giving your brain something to chew on.

And if we think that the world is here for us, we will continue to destroy it in the way that we’ve been destroying it, because we think we can do no harm.

A few years later a television show was also produced by the BBC, presented by Stephen Fry and Mark Carwadine.

Buy the book at

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